Sunday, April 27, 2008

Show Sexiness Saturday

Location: Bijou Bazaar @ Jeumpa D'ramo

Don't worry ... we're still there today! Come and show us sexiness ...

*wink wink*


Rock Stars Roll said...

Thanks guys -- I had a great time there!

Anonymous said...

thank YOU for being there with us. :o)

lynnz said...

ARGGH. i was at bangsar yesterday. heard bout bijou bazaar. couldn't find it. *silly silly me* should hav view ur blog 1st. n now i knw whr EXACTLY it is, i feel damn potong stim. coz i was so near. DAMN. grrr...

Anonymous said...

oh dear! sorry to hear about that. yesterday, apart from the shopping, which was better since we had more bhaju stalls ... we had an impromptu strobe light class for willing photography murid2 + an impromptu craft class + an impromptu 27 dresses DVD screening. since it's a pop up bazaar, things pop up sesuka hati within the bazaar. :op

but don't worry, we're planning another installment soon. :o)

Betty A. said...

great time there even at the last days, most important...loads of chep stuff. LOADS! *LOL*

Anonymous said...

betty a.

of course ... it's easy to get gorgeous items through high street shopping but it requires a skill to find gorgeous items at a steal. ;o)

we're coming back, the weekend 31 may 2008