Friday, January 8, 2010

Where on earth is SAAS Airport?

SAAS Airport stands for Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport or the airport we fondly remember as Subang Airport. So, obviously, it's in Subang.

Yup! We're aware that most of you were in your primary school when we last used SAAS Airport as Kuala Lumpur's International Airport, but the last time I flew out of SAAS Airport was to do my A Levels and when I came home with a degree, it was through KLIA.

Now, now ... just put away those calculators ... am not very young, I admit. ;o)

Somehow, I vividly remember that very flight out of SAAS Airport. It was a midnight flight + I was in the Terminal chatting with a friend from secondary school, Hefle, and a childhood friend whom I used to go camping with, Ahmad - you would now know him as Altimet, and their family.

Why that particular time?

I was playing with a trolley filled with our cabin bags + chatting at the Terminal concourse, when I fell off the trolley + it flipped with a loud crash. When I look up, I saw Ahmad staring at me in horror, I had to explain to him that girls fall down too. After which the three of us went running off as we were late for boarding.

Who would forget such incident right?

Well, that night marked a new chapter in our life as well.

Anyways, it's tomorrow y'all!

MAS Touchdown

And we'll be having the event in the concourse area of the recently launched SKYPARK Terminal, SAAS Airport.

Find out more about the venue from SKYPARK Terminal y'all!


1 comment:

aishahsofiahamshi. said...

ohh airport yang dlm cite awwan dania hahaha