Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Postponement of this weekend's Bijou Bazaar
We're sorry to inform you that we'll be postponing this weekend's installment of Bijou Bazaar. Women Institute of Management will be having an event at the concourse of The Podium, Menara Hap Seng. The event management had requested that we cut apparel out this weekend + our acoustic session as well, as there will be press at the venue.
What's the fun in that, right?
Unless ... the peeps selling apparel park their car at the lowest level of the carpark + secretly bring their customers to their car boot. But if that is your plan, don't let me know + don't get caught! ;o)
Otherwise, we'll be postponing this weekend's Bijou Bazaar.
However, some of Bijou peeps will still be in The Podium, Menara Hap Seng: Nikotina Collectibles, Mimpi by Murni and more. If you're free this weekend, you can still come over to The Podium, Menara Hap Seng + be entertained by Elbibo (the Philipino trio) courtesy of Menara Hap Seng. We're still giving the place our love, for their support the past two weekend.
Like ... which commercial centre would give us that much freedom, right?
Since it's the last weekend before Raya, I would like to wish you a Selamat Hari Raya + Maaf Zahir + Batin. I don't mind duit raya. :op
Wegra @ Bijou Bazaar
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Bijou Bazaar @ The Podium, Menara Hap Seng this weekend!
20 - 21 September 2008 weekend
Operating Hours: 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
(Psst! Please remember to bring your own shopping bag or reuse old paper/plastic bags, buy pre loved + vintage so that fewer clothes end up in landfill sites, buy handmade + support our local micro entrepreneurs + talents, our lifestyle choices make a difference yo!)
Who will be with us?
1. Feedmylamb! - http://www.feedmylamb.com.my/
2. Nikotina Collectibles - http://nikotinacollectibles.blogspot.com/
3. Zuzila Zain (Naive Artist)
4. Gajah Gajah Gallery (Naive Artist) - Plate painting for kids
5. SheBop - http://shebopboutique.blogspot.com/
6. Old Blossom Box - http://oldblossombox.blogspot.com/
7. Tangga Group - http://tanggastep.blogspot.com/
8. A Fittingroom - http://afittingroomboutique.blogspot.com/
9. Button My Buttons - http://www.buttonmybuttons.com/
10. Mimpi by Murni - http://mimpimurni.blogspot.com/
11. Glamourpuss Cards - http://glamourpusscards.wordpress.com/
12. Oowee.Designs - http://www.ooweedesigns.com/
13. Wardrobe Hunting - http://wardrobehunting.blogspot.com/
14. Bundle of Joy 77 - http://bundleofjoy77.blogspot.com/
15. Raindrops & Kittens - http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=28000911956
16. Yuna - http://www.myspace.com/yunaroomrecords
*Yuna will be selling her pre loved items this weekend, but if you want to hear her sing, lets join her in KLPac, Sunday, 12 October 2008 @ 3 p.m. for her EP Launch, peeps!*
17. Like Seriously - http://like--seriously.blogspot.com/
18. My Closet Giggles - http://myclosetgiggles.blogspot.com/
19. Jenifer Ooi - http://jennihsurf.net/shop
20. Label 8 Clothing
21. Toots Boutique - http://tootsboutique.blogspot.com/
22. Juxtaposewear - http://juxtaposewear.blogspot.com/
23. Designer Goodies - http://www.designergoodies.wordpress.com/
24. The Brains
25. Frou Frou - http://thefroufrou.blogspot.com/
26. Bhajue Boutique - http://bhajueboutique.blogspot.com/
27. Peekxie - http://peekxie.blogspot.com/
28. UberLOVE - http://uberlove-e-boutique.blogspot.com/
29. The Shoplifters - http://the-shoplifters.blogspot.com/
30. Angelface - http://angelfac3.blogspot.com/
31. Mixmatch Market - http://mixmatch-market.blogspot.com/
32. Mimpi Kita http://mimpikita-clothes.blogspot.com/ http://mimpikita-accessory.blogspot.com/ http://mimpikita-homedeco.blogspot.com/
33. Dayla Secret - http://daylasecret.blogspot.com/
34. Mirror Mirror - http://mirror2boutique.blogspot.com/
35. 6T's - http://6teas.blogspot.com/
36. OMG! - http://omaigatt-omg.blogspot.com/
37. A'xteqs - http://axteqs.blogspot.com/
38. Blacksheep Clothing - http://www.myspace.com/blacksheepclothing146
and, of course
+ Fashionistas selling their pre-loved items
+ Albums + EPs by local indie bands + singers
Saturday Acoustic Session 2 pm
Reza Salleh - http://www.myspace.com/rezasalleh
Silvergun Superman - http://www.myspace.com/silvergunsuperman7
Slowjaxx - http://www.myspace.com/thestonedrevivals
Tashya's Ink - http://www.myspace.com/tashyabasir
Sunday Acoustic Session 2 pm
Witherspoon - http://www.myspace.com/woundedwitherspoon
Stonebay - http://www.myspace.com/stonebaymusic
Sharp Shooter - http://www.myspace.com/sarpsuter
*we are updating still, fret not if you don't see your name on the list. :o)*
For trading space enquiry, call Iwan-g @ 019.655.9945
For acoustic session enquiry, call Shydee @ 012.606.1546
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Where is Menara Hap Seng?
+ 13 - 14 September 2008
+ 20 - 21 September 2008
+ 27 - 28 September 2008
Operating Hours: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Lobby - Arts + Music
Level 1F - Retail Lab
Level 2F - Rooftop Garden, for you, if you feel like escaping from the madness ...
Now, how do we get there?
I might not be the best person to give directions, as I still do call my mom to get around KL. So, here's a map. :op

The landmarks near Menara Hap Seng are Ruums, Nuovo + Shagri La? At that traffic light junction, you will see a Mercedez Benz + Smart cars dealership. Menara Hap Seng, which houses The Podium is the white building right behind the showroom. Entrance to the basement carpark is right next to the showroom.
Though The Podium, Menara Hap Seng is right smack in the Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur, their weekend parking rate is only RM 3 per entry, y'all! (The next time I have a dinner function in Shangri La, I know where to park. :op)
If you don't feel like driving into KL, you may take the KL Monorail. The nearest stop is Jalan Chulan Station. Just walk down towards Ruums/Nuovo, Menara Hap Seng is the white building behind Mercedez Benz + Smart cars dealership, across the road to Ruums/Nuovo.
If you need directions, you can call 012.398.9849 or 019.655.9945 or 012.607.3011. If we're lost ourselves, we'll pass the mobile to someone who can give you directions, at the bazaar. :o)
p.s. Say if you're taking the cab + the driver goes all blur on you, when you ask them for Menara Hap Seng, tell them it's the building formerly known as Plaza MUI.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Bijou Bazaar @ The Podium
You know at the Jalan Sultan Ismail and Jalan P Ramlee junction (where Nuovo and Shagri La is), you'll see a Mercedez Benz + Smart cars dealership, the same people who run the dealership owns Menara Hap Seng, the white building behind it, which houses The Podium.
Hey!!! You folks reacted the same when we announced that we're headed to Jeumpa D'ramo, not too long ago. Now, everyone loves Jeumpa D'ramo, so much so getting a slot for Bijou Bazaar is no longer a phone call away. :o(
... and Strudels Cafe Lucky Garden Bangsar, we heard grumbles when we made the announcement. Now people ask us, when are we going back to Strudels?
KL Pac is KL Pac lah, everyone loves KL Pac. (Thank you, Tongue in Chic! Thank you, KLue!)
Lets share Bijou Bazaar sunshine with other venues as well, shall we? ;o)
The Podium is actually a 3 storey shopping centre serving the commercial suites in Menara Hap Seng, formerly known as MUI Plaza. When I first went over to see the place, I knew right away that the ambience is right for Bijou Bazaar. To make things interesting, the Customer Service & Promotion Manager was formerly with this bling bling mall in KL, and we went on discussing KL Freeze. Apparently, the event turned out good for the mall. :o)
Most commercial centres are too cold and aloof, you'd not sit on the floor. But The Podium was inviting, I sat on the floor, absorbing the place. (Not that I'm asking you to sit on the floor ramai2, I'm explaining how warm and friendly the place was that I sat on the floor. :op)
(I wonder if they'll allow us to dump our ducks in their water feature, just for the weekend + perhaps some of those rainbow wind wheels near their bamboo trees?)
It has a well manicured rooftop garden as well on level 2F, it's like a secret hideaway. The night when Iwan-g and myself first went over to view the place, we got lost chatting in the garden (sitting on the grass, kicking our shoes off, feeling the grass underneath our feet). The next thing we knew it was almost 11 p.m.
It'll be ours during the weekends in September, there won't be other kiasu festive season shoppers, just us, Bijou Bazaar peeps. Of course, you reading can come! ;o)
What say you to that?